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Here are some of my favourite handy and helpful resources for you to access and use at home, because KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!

*Click on the button title to open the PDF.

Use to track dietary intake and symptoms. A great (free) way to identify food intolerances. 

Use to track cycle, basal body temperature (ovulation guide), characteristics of your period, as well as physical and behavioural symptoms.

Use to track body measurements during weight loss / muscle gain journey.

Weekly goal tracker to help you identify goals, understand your "why", identify strengths and obstacles, self reflect and re-focus for the following week.

Blank weekly meal plan template. Ideal to print out and stick on your fridg

No need to be squeamish! Use to track stool consistency.

Use to assess depression, anxiety and stress. 

*Always consult your practitioner.

Buy some emotive stickers and use across the week to track your kids

Infographic containing fruits, vegetables, nuts & se

Useful ways to re-frame phrases to help kids eat the rainbow!

Want to nail your fibre intake? Check out this infographic. 

*Consult your practitioner first if you have digestive issues.

Key nutrients, their effect on fertility and food sources

Cannot recommend this water filter highly enough! Contact for more information.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) 2023 list for least and most sprayed fruit and veg.

Easy healthy swaps for some of those most common refined and processed foods.

Great infographic promoting anti-inflammatory whole foods approach.

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