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Hair 500 Bio-Compatibility Testing

Have you noticed that some foods seem to pick you up, energise you and generally just make you feel great? Whereas other foods make you feel bloated, tired and lethargic, itchy, put on weight, or may even make other seemingly unrelated symptoms much worse…. Even when they are ‘healthy’ foods that you’ve been told you should consume lots of? Or maybe you’ve recently changed bathroom or laundry products, added a new seasoning or started a new protein powder and now all of a sudden, you’re just not feeling quite right but can’t quite put your finger on it? 

The Hair 500 Test is natural approach to eating in a way that’s right for your specific and unique biochemical and constitutional makeup. The test was designed by qualified naturopaths with over 30 years of research and clinical experience and is successfully used in over 20 different countries.


Who is it for?


You may find this test particularly helpful in addressing conditions such as:


  • Digestive disorders and complaints such as IBS, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, reflux, gas

  • Skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, hives

  • Asthma, hayfever, sinusitis, persistent cough

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Fatigue, brain fog

  • Arthritis, muscle aches and pains, joint pain

  • Depression, anxiety, ADHD, sleep disorders and other behavioural issues

  • Autoimmune conditions

  • Unexplained weight gain


The Hair 500 Test is safe and non-invasive, which also makes it a great option for babies and children. The test only requires a small amount of hair (about a match stick worth or ½ a teaspoon) which can be taken from the head, an arm or leg and it doesn’t matter if the hair is dyed. If a hair sample is not possible then saliva may also be used. There is also an animal list so you have the option of testing your furry 4 legged friends if you wish.


This is a great way to individualise dietary advice and receive a tailored meal plan that you will help create, one that accounts for your taste preferences, lifestyle and budget. 


How does it work?


This modern electrical equipment is calibrated to suit each individual hair sample and works by analysing the electrical stimulation that occurs on a cellular level within the hair. It is not an intolerance or allergy test that measures antibodies, rather individual incompatible foods will interfere with this electrical magnetic field and repel each other. It works on a much deeper level that will allow you to eat in a way that supports cellular function and optimises electrical conduction that has such a widespread effect and gives the body an ideal opportunity to heal itself, as it is naturally designed to do. 


What does it mean to support cellular function? Well, there are two stages. First the incompatible foods are removed to reduce inflammation and allow cellular repair to begin. This generally occurs after 4 weeks, however symptoms may reduce within just 3 – 10 days. Then this allows for the longer repair process to begin, to heal any other damage that may have occurred due to the inflammation caused by incompatible foods. This process varies widely from person to person, however the repair phase is generally considered to be about 6 months. A retest is recommended between 6 – 9 months. A gentle reintroduction of foods may then occur under guidance. 


What does it test?


The Hair 500 tests against 500 standard Australian food, bathroom, laundry and kitchen items and includes common brands found in local supermarkets, as well as common items from health food stores. 


It is possible to test against specifically requested items and there is also an Indian, NZ, American, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Dubai, Poland and UK list, as well as an animal list and a specific baby list. The baby list contains commonly used items such as nappies, baby wipes, formula and baby food, shampoos and soaps, sunscreen and other baby products as well as common medications and creams. 


You can also order additional supermarket tests with the original Hair 500 Standard such as Woolworths, Coles and ALDI lists.


You can view the items on the hair 500 test here.


How much does it cost?


  • Hair 500+ Standard: $297 (600 items)

  • Hair 500 + Baby: $309

  • Other countries: available upon request - includes Indian, NZ, American, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Dubai, Poland and UK

  • Animal: $286 (600+, no meal plan or follow up included)

  • Woolworths, Coles, ALDI: $43 (+ Hair 500 Standard)

  • Additional items: $8/each

*plus postage fees 


What you get:


  • 16 page comprehensive report 

  • 2 x 20 minute follow up phone call
    (1) to go through results and help design a meal plan to suit you
    (2) follow up 4 week progress report

  • Individualised meal suggestions/meal plan taking into account your results

  • 6 month re-test voucher ($197)


This test is best used as a part of a comprehensive treatment approach during a nutritional medicine treatment strategy, as this allows for the opportunity to address underlying causes of imbalances, support digestive function and other symptoms and provide targeted nutraceutical supplementation to aid the process of detox, repair and healing. However, if you would like to do this test without a consult, you are able to purchase the test that you would like and will still have access to a shorter consultation with an individualised meal plan provided.



Download the form below to get started.


This test is not intended to be used in the place of medical advice. Optimal You Nutrition does not make any claims to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease and if you have a medical condition or any other concerns, we urge you to seek a consult with a qualified health professional and proceed under guidance.


Terms and Conditions 

Please purchase wisely as refunds will not be available once your order has been placed and the transaction has been completed.

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